The Tech Behind Skydiving | Skydive Orange

Best Time to Skydive

Thursday, September 10, 2020

For most people, their first time skydiving is a pretty big deal. Understandably, you want to make sure you set yourself up for the best experience possible, which often means you want to pick the best time of year to skydive. We get asked all the time, what is the best season to skydive? And, honestly, it’s hard to say: each skydiving season has its own set of pros and cons.

A first jump is a special thing, and with the treatment you get at Skydive Orange, we are confident that any season you skydive can be considered the best time to skydive. That being said, not every season is a perfect fit for every jumper. We jump year-round at Skydive Orange, so just check out the details on these skydiving seasons and pick the best season to skydive for you!

Best Time to Skydive | Skydive Orange


With the long days and seemingly endless blue skies, summer is, by far, the most popular time to skydive. Weather here in Virginia is downright gorgeous in the summer, and customers come from far and wide to take advantage of weather conditions that are usually perfect for skydiving. Because it is one of our busiest times of the year, the atmosphere is pumping! If you’re not the type of person that likes a high-energy, hustle and bustle kind of vibe, summer skydiving may not be for you. Do keep in mind, the summer here is hot! Make sure you dress appropriately, pack some sunscreen, and bring along plenty of water. 


Though not as popular as summer, fall is one of the best times of the year you can skydive. The skydiving season is just beginning to wind down, and with that, comes a more relaxed pace. Another perk of skydiving in the fall is the view. The cascading golds, reds, and browns of the changing foliage are absolutely breathtaking. Plus, the temperature is a great deal milder than summer. 


Jack frost will certainly be nipping at your nose, but some people just love the brisk feel of a winter skydive. Though it can be chilly, the winter offers crisp clear skies and magnificent sunsets. We will be honest: it’s not for everyone. In early winter, we still have warm winter weekends that our tandem customers can take advantage of, and if you dress for success, it’s not so bad. We suggest those that choose to partake in winter skydiving dress in layers and come prepared with warm socks and gloves.

Happy Tandem Skydiving Student in Freefall



Shake off the winter blues with a skydive in the spring! It’s a great way to “hop” into action and really get your year rolling. Much like winter, the spring can bring some beautiful blue skies and pleasant temperatures. Though, please note, the weather is a little less dependable for skydiving. Our weather guidelines are in place to keep you safe, so if the weather puts the kibosh on your skydive, we will work with you to reschedule for a date that is convenient for you. 

You Pick!

Ultimately, the best season to skydive is going to depend on your personal preference. Whenever you choose to come, bring a good attitude and a taste for adventure, and we can make whatever skydiving season you choose the best time to skydive for you! If NOW is the best time for you, contact Skydive Orange today!

Skydive Orange Tandem Skydive

Sharon Taylor

Ivy, VA

One of the most amazing experiences of my life. Hard to describe the joy and exhilaration, you have to experience it for yourself!

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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