Preparing For Your Skydiving Day With Us | Skydive Orange

Preparing For Your Skydiving Day With Us

Monday, June 28, 2021

We know your first skydive with Skydive Orange is a special affair. Admittedly, it can be a bit nerve-wracking entering into a new and unfamiliar space, much less doing so to then jump out of an airplane. We know you’ll want this day to go off without a hitch. So, to help you prepare for your skydiving day with us, we’ve compiled a list of tips for your first skydive with Skydive Orange. 

Best Time to Skydive | Skydive Orange

What To Bring

There’s no easier way to get yourself into a tizzy than arriving for your skydive feeling unprepared. So, to make sure you have everything you need and that the check-in process goes as smoothly as possible, this is what you’ll need to bring to prepare for your skydiving day with us. 


  • Pack The Plastic

When you arrive for your skydive at Skydive Orange, you will need to be sure to bring a photo ID that lists your date of birth. We suggest a driver’s license, passport, or another government-issued form of photo identification. We require this documentation to confirm your identity and to ensure that you are 18 years of age or older. For legal reasons, we cannot accept a form of photo identification that does not list the date of birth. 

If you paid a deposit, you will also need to bring cash or a credit card to pay the balance that is due. 


  • A Good Attitude

The skydiving process is not always an in, and up, and out affair. While we try to operate as efficiently as possible, there is more that goes into getting you in the air for your skydive than you may realize. It’s a constantly changing puzzle with pieces like the number of instructors, slots on the plane, and available gear. Furthermore, there is the possibility of weather to contend with. You see, if the weather is not safe for skydiving operations, we may have to go on a weather hold. This can cause a domino effect and increase wait times further down the line.

Because of the myriad of factors that go into getting tandem skydivers safely in the air, skydiving requires a little patience. We tell our customers to anticipate spending at least half a day at our facility, anywhere from 4-6 hours onsite. Typically, you will skydive within 2-4 hours of your scheduled reservation time.


  • Your Friends

At Skydive Orange we believe the more the merrier! Trust us, skydiving is tons more fun with the company of good friends.  For those that don’t wish to skydive but would still like to come and provide moral support, we have plenty of seating, both indoor and outdoor, and a spectator area for them to watch from while your group lands. 

What To Wear

To prepare for your skydiving day with us, you’ll want to be sure to pick the right outfit. Skydiving isn’t a fashion show, but certain wardrobe choices will suit the activity the best. 

When the weather is warm, items like leggings, basketball shorts, or joggers work well on the bottom while tank tops and t-shirts are great summer options for up top. If the weather is cool, long bottoms and long-sleeved tops work best. You can wear jeans, but you’ll want to make sure they are not too tight and do not restrict your range of motion. Footwear should be closed-toed and secure. Sneakers or tennis shoes work best. 

Skydiving Video | Skydive Orange

Don’t Forget: Video or It Didn’t Happen!

Last but not least, our final tip for your first skydive is this: get video! Time on your first skydive will seem to fly by! When you add a photo or video package to your tandem skydive, you can relive every moment and share all the fun with your friends and family for years to come. With the video/photo package at Skydive Orange, you are assigned your very own personal professional videographer. This individual will accompany you throughout your skydive to film all the fun. Trust us, your personal skydiving video is one of the best mementos money can buy. 

Are you ready for your visit to Skydive Orange? Contact us today and schedule your visit!

Tandem Skydive over Skydive Orange

Christine Minaj

Had the best experience here ever for my first skydiving adventure!

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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